Super Bloom in Anza Borrego


If you’re in Southern California, or anywhere within driving distance, you need to check out the Super Bloom that happens in Anza Borrego State Park! It’s all super accessible and absolutely stunning.

The Anza Borrego Super Bloom is a breathtaking natural phenomenon that occurs in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park in California. This unique event happens when a combination of factors, including rainfall, temperature, and soil nutrients, create the perfect conditions for wildflowers to bloom in abundance—this year, California was treated to a ton of rain helping some areas get out of being in a drought! Also making for perfect super bloom conditions.

During the Super Bloom, the desert landscape is transformed into a colorful and vibrant tapestry of wildflowers that cover every inch of the park's vast expanse.

The flowers you’ll see most in 2023 are the purple Desert sand-verbena, yellow Parish's Gold Poppy and Desert Sunflowers, along with small patches of white Dune Evening Primrose.

Desert-Sand Verbena

Parish's Gold Poppy

Other flowers you might see along trails and roads are Brittlebush, Heliotrope, Chuparosa, Barrel Cactus, Beavertail Cactus, Desert Dandelions.

This is my third year visiting the Anza Borrego Super Bloom. I visited in 2017, 2019, and now 2023. In previous years gold and orange seemed to be the color of the season but this year I saw a sea of purple nearly everywhere I went.

The best time to visit the Anza Borrego Super Bloom is in late February to early April when the flowers are in full bloom.

During this trip, I visited in late March of 2023.

Be Kind. Leave No Trace Behind

It’s important to note that the Anza Borrego Super Bloom is a delicate ecosystem. Be sure to stay on on marked trails, avoid trampling on flowers, and refrain from picking or damaging them. Leave no trace behing, and remember—Pack it in? PACK IT OUT.

Make a Day of It

Don’t miss this spectacular natural phenomenon in Anza Borrego. If you’re seeking out the super bloom but would also like to make a day trip of exploring, check out my top favorite spots to visit video called Why You Should Visit Anza Borrego:


Latest Wildflower Updates:

Before you go, check the resources below for the latest wildflower updates including best spots, interactive maps and photos:

Wildflower Viewing Spots:

1 Henderson Canyon Road

GPS: 33.300846, -116.327950


This popular spot, located along Henderson Canyon Road is my favorite wildflower viewing point. Though the color of the 2023 season is seemingly purple, this large, open meadow is filled with yellow Desert Sunflowers and Gold Poppy Flowers. The meadow has an endless mountain back drop making this an epic spot to take photos. Plan for crowds and arrive early—especially as the super bloom begins to peak.


Park safely off of the pavement along the expansive meadow. To get there, you can enter 1 Henderson Canyon Road into your GPS but I found the best luck just entering these GPS coordinates right into Google Maps to get me to this exact spot: 33.300846, -116.327950.

Coyote Canyon

GPS: 33.327958, -116.367754


From fields of yellow to fields of purple in Coyote Canyon. This meadow is a beautiful sea of purple Desert-Sand Verbena with another epic mountain backdrop. Even at the end of March (2023) we could still see some snow-topped mountains in the distance.

ProTip: there seemed to be a lot of bees in this area. If you’re allergic, I recommend bringing your Epi Pen with you just in case. This area is remote and service is very spotty across the state park and you don’t want to be too careful when exploring the outdoors.

Directions and Parking

Head north on DiGiorgio Road, one road east of Christmas Circle. When the paved road ends you can continue on the dirt road to venture farther into Coyote Canyon or park in the dirt parking lot along the meadow and interactive kiosk.

We chose to park. This spot felt more popular (and packed with people) than Henderson Canyon Road but it was also later in the day.

For easy directions just enter this GPS location in Google Maps: 33.327958, -116.367754

Di Giorgio Road

GPS: 33.295707, -116.368171


A lot of people love this spot but I’m calling DiGiorgio Road my honorable mention. This meadow is off a semi-busy road and is packed with purple Desert-Sand Verbena. In my opinion, it’s a pretty spot but not as scenic as the other spots on this list.


It’s an easy spot to get to. You’ll actually drive right past this location on your way to Coyote Canyon. Be sure to park safely off the busy road. Find this spot easily by entering these GPS coordinates into Google Maps: 33.295707, -116.368171.




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