Hello There.

My name is Alex Rosa. I live in Los Angeles, California. By day I work as a digital marketing manager for the corporate monster, by week nights I write books, and when vacation days allow, I’m out adventuring.

I’ve been lucky enough to grow up with adventurous parents who were seemingly planning road trips and experiences for me and my little brother to be dragged into from a young age, and I have to thank them for it.

*story time* My parents have even moved our entire family to London, England when I was 12 years old. We road tripped across England, seeing places like the presumed King Arthurs Castle, world wonder Stonehenge, and the real Sherwood Forest where Robin Hood would gather his Merry Men. My dad refused to fly anywhere because in his mind: why would we fly when we moved across the world so we could see everything? (Besides the ever-so American need to road trip), we road tripped to Venice, Italy, getting lost driving through the Swiss Alps. We drove to Barcelona, Spain where we got pick-pocketed and then saved by an undercover cop (serious, true story).

What I’m trying to say here is… I was lucky enough to be shown (and given) a spark for adventure as a child, and also a vigilance to be aware of my surroundings, the compassion for the cultures I experience, and the want to connect with the people who live there. My parents love getting to know locals, and they usually love them right back.

I remember the moment I realized I could do it on my own. I told myself I wanted to turn 23 at the bottom fo the Grand Canyon, and I have no idea where I got the idea from (and neither did my family). I convinced two friends to backpack with me to the Colorado River from the South Rim. I pretty much made every backpacking and hiking mistake you can imagine—but I learned so much, and never made those mistakes again lol. Regardless of my failures, I was energized by something that felt like real adventure. I remember being in my tent and opening my eyes on my 23rd birthday, and thought, “wow, I can’t believe I’m 10 miles deep at the bottom of the Grand Canyon Canyon. I actually did it.

I wanted more of this feeling. And the rest is history.

Since then I’ve traveled across the globe, road tripped through the North and South West of the U.S., danced to jazz from a balcony on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, and I’m still on the constant look out for campgrounds with the best views.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope we can be friends. The only thing I want (other than to quit my job and travel the world), is to inspire others to explore more and connect with liked-minded people who’d be willing to go on a sunrise hike with me.

Let’s Be Friends.

Follow me on Instagram and shoot me DM anytime, and if you’re looking for some monthly inspiration, join my newsletter.

If you’re a brand, organization, or creator who’d like to collaborate, fill out my form below.

No Risk.

No Magic.


Let’s Work Together

Are you a brand, travel destination, or someone looking to collaborate? I’d love to hear from you! Fill out my form and I’ll get back to you within 48 hours.